The Academy Of Cozmophyzix Curriculum
Each course is 30 minute sessions a week for five (5) months to allow you time to process and practice what you have learned before the next class. You must prove you can properly demonstrate the lessons before continuing on to the next course. (You will be tested!) Many years and countless hours of practice and research have gone into creating this course of which you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of your studies. You can then immediately use your skills for personal or business related ventures with 100% guaranteed proper delineation and accurate readings with confidence. The Cozmophyzix 361 takes it teachings and brand seriously and WILL NOT endorse or support anyone who does not complete classes or demonstrate our standard of astrological aptitude . We won’t cheat you so you do not cheat others!
is held in the highest regard. The entire class package is $2500 or 3 easy installments of $833.33 (15 hour course is valued at $4,500.00) *Package includes reading materials and certificate of completion. *You will be responsible for your own class materials which will be defined in your email.
Here is an outline of the curricula (In Short) that is implemented by the Academy of Cozmophyzix 361
Lessons are described in chronological order.
NOTE: This is NOT an “Ala Cart” Menu! Everyone regardless of aptitude begins with the Diurnal and follow through the lessons as here indicated or admission to the practices of Cozmophyzix shall be denied. NO EXCEPTIONS/ NO CONCESSION.
Lesson I: Building the Cozmographix
- The Diurnal Formula
- The geometry of a circle
- The Dynamics of the true length of a day
- The Cardinal Points
- The Rate of the Earth’s Rotation
- The Annum
- The annual average
- The zero degree dates
- Calculating The Equatorial Ascendant
- Defining the Sign degree & place of The Sun
- Determining the Sun’s distance in degrees from the Ascendant
- Geo-coordinates: Longitude and Latitude
- How longitudes are determined
- How latitudes are determined
- Correcting the Ascendant by determination of latitude
Lesson II: Delineating The Cozmoglyphix
- The Planets
- Their orbital periodicity
- Their transiting periodicity through the Signs
- Conceptualizing their indications via various fields of application and level of human development
- The Signs
- Their true rate of Ascent
- Delineating the significance of their archetype via various fields of application and level of human development.
- The Houses
- Delineating their indications via various fields of application and level of human development
- The Aspects
- Planetary Geometry
- Midpoint Calculation & Delineation
Lesson III: Predictive Methodology & Technique
- The Personal Numberline
- Tracking the Sun through the personal numberline
- Tracking the Moon through the personal numberline
- The Transits
- Recap planetary orbital and transiting periodicity
- Analyzing the formation peak & dissipation of Aspects
- Aspects by the Sign
- Aspects by degree
- Primary Directions
- Solar Arcs
- Calculating their influence via degree conversion to years
- Soalr Progress “P2”
- Calculating the P2 Chart to establish a view of the current day
- Rectification of the chart aligning life events to concur with planetary motions & contacts
- Lunar Progress to the day formula “p3”
- Soli-Lunar Progress to the Day Formula “P4”
© 2013 The Codex of Cozmophyzix
*Prices and Curriculum subject to change without prior notice should any abrogation are determined at the discretion of or Ra Akhu.
Sign Up For Class Today!
Predictive Astrology
Learn how to calculate the motions of the planets to enable you to progress natal charts for predictive measures. Learn how to walk in dark tunnels of life with a flashlight.
Delineation Method
Learn how to read your or anyone’s chart by learning an extensive list of planetary, house and aspect keywords and the most common ways to delineate a persons natal chart and how and when to relay information to others. Perfect for personality and progressive readings.
*Prerequisite required*
- Predictive Astrology
Abstract Astrology
Learn additional astrological methods such as Harmonics, Astrocartography, Composite, Synastry and more.
*Prerequisite Required*
- Delineation Method
Custom Lessons
For custom lessons or a particular field of astrological knowledge, please send an email with your area of interest. Please understand that you may be required to take the Predictive Astrology and/or the Delineation Course before you can be accommodated depending on your interest of choice and level of knowledge.
NO REFUNDS. Missed appointments are rescheduled only.
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