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Each planet & celestial light corresponds to one of your ”spirit” or mental faculties. This is where we derive the ”power” to think and act

This fundamental reverberates on every plane of yer existence …. Mentally physically and wherever else u experience ”life”…For example:

The sun ….Is the core of the solar system , consequently is the core of yer being as well. As it …Is the source of energy for all living things on this plane …It is your energy source as well.

The heat in yer body id solar energy transmuted to yer person thru the food (vegetable or animal) that u eat … By the process of photosynthesis plants acquire it .. The animals we eat (if u eat flesh) as well as the vegetation we digest impart it to us.

The sun is therefore indicative of the life source physically. This also true cozmophyzikally…. It is the spirit…Or life spark in yer existance …

Psychologically it is indicative of the conscious self as well consciousness.

In business it represents and indicates ceos administrators and ”heads of state in government … In family it represents the head of the house … Usually but not always the man of the house.

Anatomically it indicates the heart and spine … As these things are the core of your anatomy.

Principles also are indicated by the sun … As well as people in your life … Example :

The sun is love … And thus represents the chief object of yer affections, your children as well as yer spouse (in certain cases)

Lets look at the moon now…

The moon is the ”mother” in nature… As the sun represents the father .

The moon is responsible for the splitting of the seed in agricultural science … Her gravitational pull affects the tides and every liquid substance on the face of this earth.And we are made of approx 3/4ths water not to dismiss the chemical compounds which are an integral part of our physical emotional constitution.

It is widely accepted that the ”emotive faculty” is entirely composed of chemical (liquid) balancews or imbalances in our being … Like that … Those who practice cozmophyzix know the moon regulates and affects our emotions.

Physically the moon has an effect on our upper digestive system , more directly it effects the stomach the pancreas and flow of acid in stomachs … Another anatomical feature of the moon is the breasts in both men and women.

Afflictions to the moon by aspect in the chart of a saggitarius person can indicate breast cancer …Wow.

Generally the moon indicates the ”nuturing” faculty and emotions overall. With regards to our species it indicates women altoether … But particularly the prominant women in our lives ….. Our moythers grandmothers sisters girlfriends wives and anything feminine really.

Aspects to the moon describe your emotion disposition and sentiments as well as your dealings with women intimately, businesswise or platonic.Notice as it is indicative of the breasts and stomach and nurturing itdeals with the feeding nature in us all.

Lets examine mercury too…


Mercury in cozmophyzix indicates the lower processes of the mind and activities that these mental abilities govern …For example :

…Mercury is the faculty of reason , thought transference , the memory, the analytic faculty… Consequently its transmission of the solar flux transmutes into the acts of reading, writing, labelling, communications period. Books , pens, publications ,paper , devices for communications as well

Anatomically mercury is indicative of the hands,arms, collarbones and shoulder blades and the message carrying function of the nervous system. It is also indicative of the lungs and the parts of the lungs essential to the breathing proccess.

Of relationships …Mercury is indicative of day to contacts and siblings (usually the youger siblings but not always) and people u grew up with , neibors and such.

Of occupations or vocation , mercry is indicative of messengers, couriers,secretaries, librarians, news reporters, writers / authors and joib descriptions where record keeping or communications of all sorts are the central theme

The planet of Venus … Often ”misnomer-ed” the planet of love is indicative of the sense of touch and taste. Being the planet which transmutes the the solar flux into our ability to experience sensation its responsible for pleasure and pain , the detection of temperature and texture…Consequently it affects our appreciations , the sense of beauty, and inclines us to develop tastes which are not limited to the foodstuffs we appreciate… Therefore it indicates ”appetites” of all sorts. Because it affects the tastes and appreciations as well as our sense of ”beauty” Venus also denotes our sense of decorum and harmony … Consequently it inclines us to the creative arts , artifice and such …

As Venus relates to the tastes & affects our appreciations it transmutes into preferences and psychologically or morals, principles and values …. And valuables .

So hence venus is also indicative of commerce ,finance possessions and spendings and earnings.

Anatomically Venus is indicative of the tongue (taste) and throat , the lower jaw and muscles used to eat and swallow… In the feminine species it denotes the ovaries and the ovum , and altogether (male & female) it is indicative of the kidneys the urethra and urinary tract including the urinary bladder.

Venus applied to relationships indicates the primary partner (intimate or business) because it rules the principle of harmony it also indicates contracts and legalities , promises and agreements.

Of vocations it indicates … Craftsmen , artists, decorators, jewelry makers, cosmetologists, lawyers , politicians and sex symbols in the world of theatre.
The foregoing were/are the inner planets ….. And as our solar system is truly a physical microcosmic manifestation …Of the microcosm (you) they correspond to the lower and common natures of humanity and every other ”kingdom” (plant animal) and such stuff as that.

The outer planets (those beyond the perimeter of the earth) correspond to the higher ”spirit-mental” faculties…Like , the will , the conscience, the intuition (that inner voice), the faculty of ideation , the imagination and the very faculty which the ancients referred to as the spirit of god in humankind.

The foregoing were/are the inner planets ….. And as our solar system is truly a physical macrosmic manifestation …Of the microcosm (you) they correspond to the lower and common natures of humanity and every other ”kingdom” (plant animal) and such stuff as that.

The outer planets (those beyond the perimeter of the earth) correspond to the higher ”spirit-mental” faculties…Like , the will , the conscience, the intuition (that inner voice), the faculty of ideation , the imagination and the very faculty which the ancients referred to as the spirit of god in humankind.

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