What is the 1st step to take when one needs to eliminate the ”demon” or ”demons” that occupy the space in yer life? Its really easy … Simple !!!
What is the 1st step to take when one needs to eliminate the ”demon” or ”demons” that occupy the space in yer life? Its really easy … Simple !!!
The planetary vibration of Jupiter manifests in this realm of existence as the faculty of ”conscience” & ”benevolence”…
Each planet & celestial light corresponds to one of your ”spirit” or mental faculties.
The ”difficult” aspects in your birthchart illustrate the things in life which u must struggle or contend with thru the course of living here on this planet…
Some think ”marriage” is a ”man made” institution… But Cozmophyzix shows the universal law behind that concept….
Everyone on this planet animal human or insect is indicated by one cozmoglyphic sign or another… No exceptions.
I am an avid cozmophyzixian. I practice natal analysis / character profiling / predictive / economic / relationship via composite or synastry
I am decoding the fact that they ”say” that ”… September 23, 1846 Neptune was discovered..”
This is how I rectified the natality of Nat Turner – I used Wikipedia and another site as for the timeline of his life. I pulled his chart up
Herodotus, regarded as ”the father of history” by modern western scholarship, claimed that the Egyptians, not the Greeks, discovered astrology